Mind The Heavenly Treasure


"And therefore mind the heavenly treasure, that will never fade away." So George Fox wrote suffering Friends in 1670. Many had suffered, some had been in prison, but Fox directed all to the Kingdom of Christ within. There are still treasures that do not fade.

Just as beginners in Bible reading could not read everything immediately, but could rejoice in portions read, so many would never read all the volumes of George Fox. Yet he left a heritage that deserves reading. He wrote tenderly to those in prison, those in foreign lands, and those in any suffering. He wrote about suffering saying, "but the Lord's power is over all, and that supports His people." One writer states that the writings of Fox make a guide on how to survive suffering. Fox was said to know most of the Bible by memory, and so his works are filled with Biblical references. His sentences were often lengthy, but we chose parts with care. He referred often to nature--lilies, lambs, the seasons. The year 1991 marked 300 years since the death of George Fox. Many readers could not be expected to wade through the eight volumes. These nuggets of thought have been selected with loving care.

May the Scriptures and selections challenge us to look beyond material things to that which is eternal! "Mind the heavenly treasure." 

Copyright 1989 by Gary Bowell All Rights Reserved.